Join the Great Florida Beach Walk November 6th in Santa Rosa County! In order to promote Florida’s beaches, Visit Florida and coastal counties throughout the state are organizing the Great Florida Beach Walk.
Walkers are asked to walk one mile on Navarre Beach, take a picture at the mile marker flag (we will have these placed on the beach) and upload the picture to between 6 am and 10 am. Then vote for your favorite beach and get a chance to win a Mazda Miata and a $5,000 gift card.
Registered participants for Navarre Beach will receive a t-shirt. The registered participating group with the
most participants will win $250.00 and a trophy! Sponsored by SAFER Santa Rosa and the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP).
****You will need to register at You can register as an individual or a group by November 4, 2010.
Saturday November 6, you will check in on the Navarre Beach at the pavilion just to the east of the Navarre Beach Pier between 6 am and 9:30 am for breakfast and a map of where the flags are located and beach access points.
For more information contact Brenda Roland at 983-5200.
Register by 5 pm Eastern, November 4, 2010!!!!!!!!!!
*********************************************************************************And check out:
First Meeting of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force
Monday, November 8, 2010 --- 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Pensacola Civic Center, 201 E. Gregory Street, Pensacola, Florida
Please RSVP at
The meeting space is fully accessible. If you have special needs or require translation, please note in the
registration form. Please visit for more information. If you have questions please email or call 1-800-241-1754.
The Executive Order Recognizing the Gulf Coast as a national treasure, on October 5, 2010 President Obama issued an Executive Order creating the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, continuing the Administration's ongoing commitment to the region. The mission of the Task Force is to efficiently integrate Federal efforts with those of local stakeholders and state and tribal governments so as to better implement Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration and to facilitate appropriate accountability and support throughout the restoration process. The President's Executive Order establishing the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force is available at
And Finally,
Check out this announcement from the FDA on Seafood Safety!
For Immediate Release: October 29, 2010
Media Inquiries: Meghan Scott, FDA, 240-507-0466,; Christine Patrick, NOAA, 301-713-2370,
Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA
NOAA and FDA announce chemical test for dispersant in Gulf seafood
All Samples Test Within Safety Threshold
Building upon the extensive testing and protocols already in use by federal, state and local officials for the fishing waters of the Gulf, NOAA and FDA have developed and are using a chemical test to detect dispersants used in the Deepwater Horizon-BP oil spill in fish, oysters, crab and shrimp. Trace amounts of the chemicals used in dispersants are common, and levels for safety have been previously set.
Experts trained in a rigorous sensory analysis process have been testing Gulf seafood for the presence of contaminants, and every seafood sample from reopened waters has passed sensory testing for contamination with oil and dispersant. Nonetheless, to ensure consumers have total confidence in the safety of seafood being harvested from the Gulf, NOAA and FDA have added this second test for dispersant when considering reopening Gulf waters to fishing.
Using this new, second test, in the Gulf scientists have tested 1,735 tissue samples including more than half of those collected to reopen Gulf of Mexico federal waters. Only a few showed trace amounts of dispersants residue (13 of the 1,735) and they were well below the safety threshold of 100 parts per million for finfish and 500 parts per million for shrimp, crabs and oysters. As such, they do not pose a threat to human health.
The new test detects dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, known as DOSS, a major component of the dispersants used in the Gulf. DOSS is also approved by FDA for use in various household products and over-the-counter medication at very low levels. The best scientific data to date indicates that DOSS does not build up in fish tissues.
“The rigorous testing we have done from the very beginning gives us confidence in the safety of seafood being brought to market from the Gulf,” said Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D., Under Secretary for Commerce and NOAA Administrator. “This test adds another layer of information, reinforcing our findings to date that seafood from the Gulf remains safe.”
“This new test should help strengthen consumer confidence in Gulf seafood,” said Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. “The overwhelming majority of the seafood tested shows no detectable residue, and not one of the samples shows a residue level that would be harmful for humans. There is no question Gulf seafood coming to market is safe from oil or dispersant residue.”
The 1,735 samples tested so far were collected from June to September and cover a wide area of the Gulf. The samples come from open areas in state and federal waters, and from fishermen who brought fish to the docks at the request of federal seafood analysts. The samples come from a range of species, including grouper, tuna, wahoo, swordfish, gray snapper, butterfish, red drum, croaker, and shrimp, crabs and oysters.
Previous research provided information about how finfish metabolize DOSS, and at FDA’s Dauphin Island, Alabama lab, scientists undertook further exposure experiments on fish, oysters and crab; similar experiments on shrimp were held at NOAA’s Galveston, Texas lab. These exposure studies further support that fish, crustaceans and shellfish quickly clear dispersant from their tissues, and provided samples with known concentrations for use as standards for validating the methodology. Samples undergoing chemical analysis are always accompanied by standards with known concentrations of DOSS, to verify the equipment continues to measure the compound accurately.
Nearly 9,444 square miles, or about 4 percent of the federal waters in the Gulf are still closed to commercial and recreational fishing.
Navarre Beach Florida - S.U.R.F.
S.U.R.F. Shoreline Users Resource Force
Shoreline Users Resource Force
S.U.R.F. volunteers will be stationed on Navarre Beach to provide information on beach and water safety, coastal habitats, wildlife, clean-up response, beach condidtions, coastal habitats, seafood safety and the county Leave No Trace Ordinace to visitors.
Volunteers will work hours of their own design on the beach, answering questions from visitors to the beach. Volunteers can choose to be at any county access point, including the park and near the Navarre Beach Pier.
*Train Volunteers to provide accurate, fact based information to visitors to Navarre Beach
*Promote a consistent message of the current conditions of the beach
*Promote beach and water safety
*Provide knowledge of coastal systems, habitats, and wildlife
*Provide a positive message of what makes Navarre Beach special
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!!! To sign up for education/training class, please call The Santa Rosa Help Thy Neighbor Volunteer Center at 850-983-5223. For more information Email or or call (850)777-7884 to find out how to sign up and support our beach!
S.U.R.F. volunteers will be stationed on Navarre Beach to provide information on beach and water safety, coastal habitats, wildlife, clean-up response, beach condidtions, coastal habitats, seafood safety and the county Leave No Trace Ordinace to visitors.
Volunteers will work hours of their own design on the beach, answering questions from visitors to the beach. Volunteers can choose to be at any county access point, including the park and near the Navarre Beach Pier.
*Train Volunteers to provide accurate, fact based information to visitors to Navarre Beach
*Promote a consistent message of the current conditions of the beach
*Promote beach and water safety
*Provide knowledge of coastal systems, habitats, and wildlife
*Provide a positive message of what makes Navarre Beach special
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!!! To sign up for education/training class, please call The Santa Rosa Help Thy Neighbor Volunteer Center at 850-983-5223. For more information Email or or call (850)777-7884 to find out how to sign up and support our beach!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Dont' forget to get out to the beach this weekend! The weather has been beautiful! There are still lots of events happening during the Beaches to Woodlands all month long. For more information check out:
The Oct. 9th weekend brings the chili cook-off at Juana's and the annual Monarch Madness Butterfly Festival at the Butterfly House located at the NW side of the Navarre Beach Causeway. For more information check out:
Also, if you feel like traveling a few miles north on Hwy. 87, check out the solar house on Blackwater Bay. it is a beautiful and peaceful house completely off the grid! The house will be open from noon until 4 pm. For directions and more information check out:
Enjoy our local natural resources and the beautiful fall weather!
The Oct. 9th weekend brings the chili cook-off at Juana's and the annual Monarch Madness Butterfly Festival at the Butterfly House located at the NW side of the Navarre Beach Causeway. For more information check out:
Also, if you feel like traveling a few miles north on Hwy. 87, check out the solar house on Blackwater Bay. it is a beautiful and peaceful house completely off the grid! The house will be open from noon until 4 pm. For directions and more information check out:
Enjoy our local natural resources and the beautiful fall weather!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Check out these exciting upcoming Events on Navarre Beach!!!!
There are a number of exciting upcoming events on Navarre Beach!! Check these out:
Friday, September 24 through Sunday September 26 is the Navarre Beach Sand Sculpture Festival. Come down and watch the masters build their sculptures or compete in the amateur event on Sunday! For more information and to register for the amateur event check out:
Coastal Clean-Up Saturday, Sept 25, 8 am - noon, Navarre Beach Public Parking Area
Coastal Clean-Up Scheduled in Santa Rosa
This year's International Coastal Clean-Up will take place on Saturday, September 25. Any group or individual should meet at 8 am on either Saturday at the Navarre Beach Public Parking lot directly south of the Navarre Beach Bridge. Allied Waste is sponsoring the event, which celebrates the 25th year that the International Coastal Conservancy has sponsored the event throughout the world.
For information on the international coastal cleanup and marine debris check out:
Coastal Encounters: Open House at the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station and Kids Fishing Clinic at the Navarre Pier!
This event is part of the Santa Rosa County Beaches to Woodlands Tour
WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 2, 2010
Coastal Encounters: Open House at the Marine Science Station 10 am - 2 pm
Kids Fishing Clinic, 8am - noon at the Navarre Fishing Pier
WHERE: Navarre Beach Marine Science Station
8638 Blue Heron Circle, Navarre Beach, FL.
Navarre Beach Fishing Pier, Navarre Beach, Florida
COST: Free admission
CONTACT: Chris Verlinde 623-3868
Debbie Holland 983-5359
Join us for Coastal Encounters: Grand Opening of the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station Celebration on Saturday, October 2, 2010, 10 am until 2 pm. The Navarre Beach Marine Science Station is located at the county park on Navarre Beach. The Kids Fishing Clinic will take place at the at the Navarre Pier, 8 am until noon. Join us for this fun filled day!
As part of the Beaches to Woodlands Tour, this event is one of many throughout Santa Rosa County that will showcase the coastal and natural areas of our county. Navarre High School Marine Biology students will present many hands-on activities such as: shark myths, eat an estuary, marine debris, fish painting, shell identification, sea turtles, and more!
In addition, environmental education activities and displays will be provided by local organizations, agencies, and schools. Participants will be able to tour the Marine Science Station and learn about opportunities of how they can support the station. Several displays will focus on various issues such as protecting area waterways and coastal habitats. Information on sharks, water safety, disaster preparedness and other local environmental issues will be included. Learn about live marine critters at the touch tank, experience kayaking and fishing. Arts & craft activities will include making sea turtle maracas, fish painting and more!
The kids fishing clinic will take place at the Navarre Fishing Pier from 8 am until noon. The first 75 children, ages 5-12 will receive free access onto the fishing pier and a fishing rod and reel!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
And a little moonlight shall lead the way......
For those of you that missed the great hatching of our show off, fancy pants loggerhead turtle nest ( this was the turtle that came ashore in the day to lay eggs, with a great audience, at the bottom of the BUSIEST WalkOver Ramp on the beach - she's a show stealer), which I'm guess was MOST of you. I bring to you the following photos and video. This is the Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nest that was at Navarre Beach, WalkOver 3, the handicap ramp in the main parking lot. This nest was laid, oddly enough, in the day time instead of night, on July 3rd.Setting up for the LONG wait. |
Hard to see but the depression is forming in the center of the staked area. |
The nest was showing signs of activity and scratching at around 6:55 pm, movement was noted at 7:10, and again at 7:14, and 7:19. At 7:23 the first major movement was made, and at 7:35, just after sun down, WHOOSH!, 24 little hatchling burst forth and strode off to the sea.
The marine science students had dug and smoothed us a lovely pathway for the critters trip. Which made the journey much quicker, as those little legs didn't have to dodge footprints. We only had three turtles get confused as to their direction, due to the brighter lights from the local condos, but human bodies did a great job blocking that light for our little travelers. 24 made the journey this go around. ( loggerheads lay anywhere from 80-120 eggs, only 1 in 1000 eggs will make it back to lay eggs on the home beach, and it takes 25 to 30 years for a turtle to reach maturity)
The nest had sounds of further movement, but then went quiet again. We think it is done for the night, but will be "caged" for the night and checked repeatedly for more hatchlings all night long. If not tonight, maybe more tomorrow. IF you come to a turtle hatching, PLEASE PLEASE NO BRIGHT LIGHTS. This confuses the hatchlings and they waste energy walking the wrong direction. It also messes up our night vision. This includes all flash photography, glo sticks, and CELL PHONES. (Photos on this site were taken in daylight, or with flash with NO TURTLES present. Video was taken with red light, which goes unseen/noticed by turtles.) Thank you. We also need you to be very quiet, and limit your movement. The hatchlings can feel the vibrations in the sand from over 50 feet away, and think it's a predator and will not come out. It also makes it very difficult for us to hear the hatchlings beneath the sand. We may set a perimeter of 50 feet from the nest for further viewing for the safety of the turtles, so be prepared for that. We thank you for all of your consideration.
And at the end of the run, we were left with this. So cute.
Now with that said, I'm going to hit the shower and wash off all this sand.
Now for your viewing pleasure, taken by me, a late night sea side video.While my camera takes great video, the sound stinks, so turn off your sound, and hum the music from 2001 a Space Odessy......Prepare to say Awwwwwwwwww
The video runs for about 5 minutes, but there's nothing to see past about 3.45
CLICK FOR VIDEO >>> Sea Turtles Hatching
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu
It is with great sadness, regret, and disappointment that I make My final post on the blog. Due to several factors, I find that I must resign from the SURF program as the Volunteer County Coordinator, and as a SURF Volunteer. It's going to be hard to let it go, but it is a decision that I do not take lightly, nor came to quickly.
I have enjoyed it immensely. I will continue to be on the Pier, fishing or with my watercolours, so feel free to stop by and say, hello.
I will be turning over the email, supplies, and the blog back over to the county as of close of business today. The blog will soldier on, as will the SURF program, just with someone new at the helm.
So with that, I'll ride off into the sunset.
See you on the white sand.
Monday, August 30, 2010
You see these little flaps on my head? No? Maybe your web camera isn't on. Right here, behind my ears. Still, no? Huh? I thought I felt gills sprouting back there. My mistake.
There should be. Since it started raining around 3 am on Friday, we, in Navarre proper, have had 7.52 inches of rain. That's in just over 76 hours. Everything is wet. The world smells damp and musty. The electric box alarms are blinking and honking all over the neighborhoods. I'm amazed we still have cable, phone, Internet, and electric.
Last night's storms boiled up around 10:45pm and just kept forming over us, and then formed a long line of thunderstorms that trained over us for hours. The hardest rain coming after midnight. Mercy. It sounded like I had a tin sheet roof!
I had to get up several times last night to turn off the rainfall rate alarm on my weather system. It doesn't even THINK of beeping me out of slumber until we hit a rainfall rate of over 8.5 inches per hour.
He put on quite the show up against a large truck. He and hit little friends were hanging out on the road, in the middle of the road. Maybe it was his turn to play crossing guard, or maybe he lost a bet. Anyway, after we got him home and put him in a large plastic drinking cup so he could travel North via Skype and freak out the cousins, HE starting dropping babies in the cup. Huh, who knew?
Now if I can just get all the frogs out of the garage. They're frogs, for crying out loud! They're supposed to LIKE the water.
Sigh. My family up North joke that I'm living in a Mutual of Omaha world. Pretty much.
Guess what? It's going to rain today. I know, how shocking.
It's better than the western Caribbean. Hurricane Earl shifted further to the west last night and is predicted to become a major hurricane. He should take a turn to the north later today or tomorrow thanks to a trough pushing off the East coast. However, he may have gone far enough west to set sights on NC or further up the coast. Time will tell. Until he actually turns North, anyone is fair game.
Even if he missed a land strike altogether, the rip current risk is unbelievably high along the entire Eastern seaboard. I was shocked to see so many people out in the water on the tv news. Ridiculous!
We too are still at red flag. Although I don't foresee many people going out in this weather anyway, sans the surfers. Some day we will make it back outside to the sunny warm beaches!
Have a great day everyone.
There should be. Since it started raining around 3 am on Friday, we, in Navarre proper, have had 7.52 inches of rain. That's in just over 76 hours. Everything is wet. The world smells damp and musty. The electric box alarms are blinking and honking all over the neighborhoods. I'm amazed we still have cable, phone, Internet, and electric.
Last night's storms boiled up around 10:45pm and just kept forming over us, and then formed a long line of thunderstorms that trained over us for hours. The hardest rain coming after midnight. Mercy. It sounded like I had a tin sheet roof!
I had to get up several times last night to turn off the rainfall rate alarm on my weather system. It doesn't even THINK of beeping me out of slumber until we hit a rainfall rate of over 8.5 inches per hour.
The rain was so bad this weekend that the local critters are using the road as high and dry ground. I haven't seen the local bear and cubs yet, but she'll pull them out of the cedar swamp with far less rain than this. While out driving yesterday, we came across this menacing beastie.

The creepy critter clicked and snapped away every time you passed the counter in the darkened bathroom to go down the hall. (Where we banished her to until the rain let up enough to put her back in the ditch.) Icky little mud bug. You'll be happy to know that she and her little spawn are free again.
Sigh. My family up North joke that I'm living in a Mutual of Omaha world. Pretty much.
Guess what? It's going to rain today. I know, how shocking.
It's better than the western Caribbean. Hurricane Earl shifted further to the west last night and is predicted to become a major hurricane. He should take a turn to the north later today or tomorrow thanks to a trough pushing off the East coast. However, he may have gone far enough west to set sights on NC or further up the coast. Time will tell. Until he actually turns North, anyone is fair game.
Even if he missed a land strike altogether, the rip current risk is unbelievably high along the entire Eastern seaboard. I was shocked to see so many people out in the water on the tv news. Ridiculous!
We too are still at red flag. Although I don't foresee many people going out in this weather anyway, sans the surfers. Some day we will make it back outside to the sunny warm beaches!
Have a great day everyone.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Wow this is a pesky Non Tropical Low. Since about 1am Friday, we've seen 4.34 inches of rain. Granted, I'll take it over a hurricane, but at least those are in and out and we see the sun again !
Certainly the great fireball in the sky will return, and our slow lazy days on the beach will return.
And before you get TOOO overly excited on this cloudy, grey, dreary day, this cute little sea turtle isn't one of ours. In fact, it's not a sea turtle at all. "WHAT?" I hear you exclaim. "what does she think it is? A purple butterfly?" Nope, I don't. It's a ...wait for it....... ......... a CAKE made by Love to Cake ! Brought to my attention by my good friends over at cakewrecks! (Sunday is for the NON wreck cakes) So again, if your stuck inside, and cruising the net, and need somewhere else to go, go entertain yourself at
SO, in lieu of a warm Sunday Morning walk on the beach, I bring you a warm sunset from Friday night.
I look forward to getting out there after the rains, as I love walking on the hard and squeaking sand. Yes, our sand talks. The regular crystal shape of our white quartz sand, when wet, rubs together as it is compacted and squeaks. The Squeaking White Sands of the Emerald Coast takes on a whole new meaning now doesn't it? LOL!
Needless to say, the ocean is still at RED Flag.
For those of you visiting town, and stuck inside with the rain, we do have other things to do. Check out for things to our west, and in the local and eastern area.
And for the Awwwww factor...Come on now, practice your "Awwwwwww....." I bring you
And before you get TOOO overly excited on this cloudy, grey, dreary day, this cute little sea turtle isn't one of ours. In fact, it's not a sea turtle at all. "WHAT?" I hear you exclaim. "what does she think it is? A purple butterfly?" Nope, I don't. It's a ...wait for it....... ......... a CAKE made by Love to Cake ! Brought to my attention by my good friends over at cakewrecks! (Sunday is for the NON wreck cakes) So again, if your stuck inside, and cruising the net, and need somewhere else to go, go entertain yourself at
I hope to see you on the beach Monday, when the rain stops. Have a great day everyone!
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